The bed was removed and the frame beneath stripped, poxy coated and painted. The bed and rear fenders are in very good condition. The truck has new brakes, omplete. New gas tank and radiator,hoses and lines, ilters etc. rebuilt carb abd replaced distributor, uned. excellent seat covers and re[placed headliner, hough it sags. It runs beautifully on 90% radial tires. The running boards are solid, s is the rear of the cab and the entire floor, ose section is very good, ood is excellent,left fender has rust pimples on top and at the back. The right fender has a poorly executed patch that has popped out and rust on the back edge near the cab. the doors are very solid with just a few pimples on each side, he front cab corners have rust as shown. So you have an excellent driving truck that was restored once with nice paint and overall a nice "surface" look, ut for show it will need further work. The front end is tight and it really drives very nicely. It needs the hand bake linkage installed, have the rear hub caps and many extra parts & manual.