Actual picture car driven by Mike Ehrmantraut. I stole it from the APD evidence impound. I better call Saul Goodman. Still has evidence of when Walter White shot and killed Mike. Blood spatter on front seat They removed the chunks of flesh. Broken driver glass currently non running condition. Located in Albuquerque home of green chili and blue methJessie Pinkman's car just sold overseas for $125. 00the episode a 9 out of 10 rating. calling it "mind-blowing". but stating that "I hate to see Mike go out like that. He deserved more. I literally can't give this higher than a 9. 0. it was just too sad of an ending. Mike Ehrmantraut (Season 5. Episode 7: "Say My Name") The murder of Mike. the grandfatherly fixer who reluctantly helped Walt set up his nascent drug empire. is a study in contradictions. It's Walt's single nastiest. most vindictive. most pointless kill – he shoots Mike in the gut because the man pissed him off. pretty much. There's no justification in terms of protecting someone or something important. and Walt himself even tells Mike before he dies that he's realized he could have gotten the information he was after some other way. But the death itself is almost serene. with Mike slumping over quietly after sitting and staring at a sun-dappled river for his final moments. Granted. he had to growl "Shut the fuck up and let me die in peace" to earn that last half-minute of rest. 'Breaking Bad': 10 Most Memorable Murders Meth is the product. but blood is the fuel that powers Walter White's drug empire The episode was written and directed by Thomas Schnauz and aired on AMC on August 26. 2012. This episode marks the final appearance of Mike Ehrmantraut (Jonathan Banks). Show creator Vince Gilligan talked about Mike's death and why it was one of his favorite moments of the series: “ In season 5A. as we call it. the character of Mike gets brought down by Walt in a moment that Walt himself I don’t think sees coming. and it’s just a sad moment. beautifully written and directed by one of my oldest friends. a writer named Thomas Schnauz. who I’ve known since NYU film school. and in his first professional directing gig he just did a fantastic job with that episode and that scene. ” Ratings "Say My Name" was watched by 2. 98 million viewers and received a 1. 4 rating among viewers aged 18-49. the series' highest ratings at the time. Critical reception The episode received highly positive reviews from critics with many critics singling out Jonathan Banks and Bryan Cranston for particular praise. The episode is recognized by many critics as one of the best in the series. TV Fanatic's Matt Richenthal gave "Say My Name" a five-star rating. calling it "one of the best in series history. "[4] Seth Amitin of IGN gave the episode a 9 out of 10 rating. calling it "mind-blowing". but stating that "I hate to see Mike go out like that. He deserved more. I literally can't give this higher than a 9. 0. it was just too sad of an ending. "[5] Alan Sepinwall of HitFix thought the episode was "a mostly tremendous episode of a drama". adding the death of Mike "is just a gorgeous. devastating scene. "