This was my husbands old truck( old brownie) . He worked on it to restore it and got every thing done to 75% except for miner stuff like the steerin, osmeti, aint and body .in 2009 he spent( $2,274.21 ) on a new 350engine and dropped it in, years ago he did a new batter, ew brake, lternator. This would be a great flip project to make some big bucks on . I feel my price is very reasonable because of the restorations and expense already in it by a pro race car driver and mechanic . Itshould run with a jump start...once that's done it will kick right over every time stalling unless it's becauseit's been sitting sinceFeb 2013. It was running really strong " really powerful " and kept up with freeway traffic with no problems at all. I parked it whenmy husband died in 2013. This truck is special as it has always turned heads and people always waved and did a thumbs up where ever we went . The faded brown paint makes it look like rust as it shades from faded to dark ....this is not the case . The only rust I see is on the passenger floor in the upper right hand corner .