This 1957 MGA Coupe is restored. The oil pressure hot at highway speed is 60 lbs. The temperature hot at speed is 160 degrees. The car has a new high capacity aluminum radiator. The wire wheels are stainless steel. Won't break like so many chrome steel wheels. The brakes are new as well as the master cylinder. The car also has a brand new series 26 Inter State 12 volt battery. The car has a rare Factory Works Racing Team steering wheel by Mike Lempert. The current price list shows to replace this wheel is $900. I also added a sway bar for better handling. The grill and Lucas lights are new as well. The new Moss stainless steel exhaust looks very nice.Also frustrating areas are upgraded. The ignition system is electronic (NO POINTS). The SU fuel pump is electronic (NO POINTS). Please ask any questions. Reason for sale is age and still too many toy cars. Remember the MGA Coupe is the featured car at NAMGAR GT-43 this Spring in Richmond Virginia. MG made 101,000 MGA's over a 7 year period. Only 9,900 were coupes. So after 60 years this a rare car.