1972 Toyota FJ Land Cruiser | Year: Make: Model: Trim: Body Style: Stock Mileage: Engine Size: Transmission: Exterior Color: Interior Color: Vin: 1972 | Toyota | FJ Land Cruiser | N/A | N/A | 15132 | 42197 | 4.2L 2F I6 | Manual | Gray | Moss Green | FJ40131459 | | Options Description function open_stockTab(tabid){ if(current_tab!=tabid){ document.getElementById(" stock_"+tabid).style.display=" block"; document.getElementById(" stock_"+current_tab).style.display="none"; document.getElementById(tabid).className="active";//tabid+"-selected"; document.getElementById(current_tab).className="";//=current_tab; current_tab=tabid; showFlash('',false); //if(tabid==" stockimages") document.getElementById("vli_link").style.display="inline"; //else document.getElementById("vli_link").style.display="none"; } } function open_tag(tag){ tag.style.display="inline"; p_arrow=document.getElementById("p"+tag.id); if(p_arrow) p_arrow.className="arrow-open"; } function close_tag(tag){ tag.style.display="none"; p_arrow=document.getElementById("p"+tag.id); if(p_arrow) p_arrow.className="arrow-close"; } function ShowTab(tabname,tid,render_tab,onlyone){ var allDivs=document.getElementsByTagName("div");//.getElementById(tabname) var c=allDivs.length; if(render_tab){ var mtb=document.getElementById(render_tab).childNodes; for(i=0;i This is a great example of the type of inventory Mancuso brings to market. We have three requirements each vehicle must meet - above average condition for this make/model; proper equipment to maximize the driving experience; and, ompetitive pricing based on condition. If you're interested in a high level of performance and value, ou're looking at the right car.Financing and extended warranty coverage are available.We encourage you to visit our showroom and see this car for yourself.For more detailed information, lease call (312) 624-8586 or email info@mancusomotorsports.com.We ship worldwide! Back To Top