Great deal selling $35k Lamborghini Countach for only $28,999 dont lose this rare opportunity! 1988 Countach replica 25th Anniversario total headturner Machine if you dont like attention this car is not for you.... It getting thumbs from all directions! Note 1988 Pontiac Fiero body kit It was built in 2002 spend all life in California since be come a Lamborghini Countach. The AC works and also this Countach it has a custom option the drive side door window that you can open and close that most the Countach kit the dont have, the heater also works if you want to drive in Winter. Horn, turn singles, wiper, fuel gauges, and all the others gauges works pop headlights works! The transmission was rebuilt from previous owner it shifts very smoothly, the v6 engine it also was rebuilt it has nice exhaust sound it runs smooth and faster enough! Recently all the brakes the wore replaced, stabilizing ling, radiator with a fan, starter, exhaust, ignition distributor, and just replaced fuel pump and fuel pump regulator. Please dont confuse this kit with all the other short wheels base kit...This one is a stretched body kit wheels base near the original Countach. Note this car it is also good for any business publicity comes easy! If you would like to inspect this car please contact me.