This is a very rare unrestored convertible. It has been with the same owner for years until he passed away. There only original once this is a time capsule look closely at the photos and you will notice the small details, Tags that were never removed all the silver anniversary options, door handletrim, fender skirts, running lights, back up light, outsidespare tire inflator, drivers door mirror temperaturegauge, locking gas cap with trim, third bumper guards, The miles are original it was repainted by the dealer back in 1960's. The previous owner was a hi-rankingnaval officer I think that speaksfor the car. Recent work includes new brakes and cylinders, tune-up, oil service, battery. I have driventhis car for hundredsof miles and it is a blast with the radio on people stare and give you athumbs upThe price is negotiable just note there is not another one like it out there and the price reflectsthat. This is unmodified this is as close you are going to get back in time driving.